Introduction | Creating a routine

With this course, you will learn more about routines and take steps to create your own routines.


Pınar Musaoğlu

Pınar Musaoğlu

Habit Coach

Pınar, who believes in the power of habits to provide balance between work and private life, carries out studies that adopt this principle both in her own life and in the lives of her clients. After 10 years of private sector experience, Pınar, who has been a Professional Coach and Trainer with the PCC title given by the ICF (International Coach Federation) for the last 5 years, organizes workshops called "Habit Design Workshop" in addition to individual sessions as a "Habit Coach".

In addition, she prepares and presents a podcast series called "Pleasant Habits". Pınar, who believes that routines and habits are acquired more easily with communities, founded the "Bursa Book Club" with her husband to develop the reading habit in people.

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Establishing Routines and Sleep Routine Tips

Routines are an essential tool that organize our lives, make us feel secure, and help us develop healthy habits. Sleep routines, especially for babies and children, play a critical role in their physical and emotional health. Sleep is crucial for children's development, learning processes, and overall health. In this article, I will share the importance of creating a sleep routine, what sleep routines should look like for babies and children, and tips for creating a successful sleep routine.

Importance of Sleep Routines

Routines help our brains understand when to do what. Sleep is the process of repair and renewal for the body. Creating a sleep schedule is not only essential for children but also for adults as part of a healthy lifestyle. When children sleep in a secure environment and a certain order, they become calmer both physically and psychologically.

A sleep routine marks the end of the day for your child and promotes the secretion of melatonin, helping their body transition to sleep and rest better throughout the night. Sleep routines are also important for regulating children’s nervous systems, strengthening their immune systems, and overall making them healthier.

Creating a Sleep Routine for Babies

0-3 Months Old Babies

Newborn babies can struggle to adapt to the outside world and establish a sleep pattern. This is because their biological clock is not fully developed, and they do not yet understand the difference between day and night. However, introducing a sleep routine early on can help them establish a healthier sleep pattern as they grow older.

  • Short Sleep Cycles: Newborn babies usually wake up every 2-4 hours and sleep for short periods. Sleep cycles of 2-3 hours are normal during this phase.
  • Understanding Your Baby’s Needs: Every baby is different. Some may prefer more cuddling, while others might want to sleep alone. Observing your baby’s needs and ensuring they feel comfortable is crucial.
  • Low Light, Calm Environment: For babies to adapt to the day-night rhythm, the environment should be dark and quiet. Especially in the evenings, it is important to dim the lights and reduce noise levels.
    If you wish, you can benefit from the Newborn Sleep Routine training by Expert Nurse Sevim Kuruçay Çam to start creating your baby’s sleep routines early on.

3-6 Months Old Babies

At this stage, babies begin to sleep for longer periods, and their sleep routine gradually settles. Around the fifth month is also ideal for starting sleep training. During this phase, your baby's sleep routine might look like this:

  • More Regular Sleep: Babies typically sleep for 3-4 hours at a stretch.
  • Calming Before Sleep: A sleep routine can help ease your baby into sleep. For example, a warm bath, a gentle massage, or a soft lullaby can support your baby’s transition into sleep.
  • Gradual Practice: You can help your baby start to sleep on their own by gradually placing them in their crib before they fall asleep.
    If you wish, you can benefit from the 3-6 Months Baby Sleep Routine training by Expert Nurse Sevim Kuruçay Çam, which covers important topics like sleep regression and sleep training.

6-12 Months Old Babies

During this period, babies sleep for longer hours. If a sleep routine has not been established yet, it is essential to start creating one now. Here are steps you can follow to establish a sleep routine:

  • Preparing for Night Sleep: The bedtime routine should begin at the same time each day to help regulate their biological clock.
  • Short Lullabies and Soft Music: You can use lullabies or light melodies to relax your child, helping them fall asleep more easily.
  • Welcoming When They Wake Up Calmly: Babies may wake up during the night. When they wake up, greeting them calmly and joyfully helps increase their sense of security.
    If you wish, you can benefit from the 6-12 Months Baby Sleep Routine training by Expert Nurse Sevim Kuruçay Çam and start creating sleep routines for your baby with expert advice.

Creating a Sleep Routine for Children

The transition to sleep for children can be more complex compared to babies. However, establishing a sleep routine supports both the physical and emotional development of children.

1-3 Years Old Children

Children in this age group sleep longer at night but may experience difficulty transitioning to sleep. Here is how you can create a sleep routine during this period:

  • Stories and Lullabies: Reading a story or singing a lullaby before bed helps children relax.
  • Gradually Dimming Lights: Gradually dimming the lights to create a dark environment helps regulate the child’s biological clock.
  • Importance of Night Sleep: At this age, children may start feeling lonely when they wake up. Providing reassurance can help them return to sleep easily if they wake up during the night.

3-6 Years Old Children

At this stage, children become more independent but still require a secure and peaceful sleep environment.

  • Make Routine an Anticipated Activity: The sleep routine can become a fun activity for children. For example, tidying up their room or preparing the bed together before bedtime can make transitioning to sleep enjoyable.
  • Linking with the Morning Routine: The child’s sleep routine should continue with their morning routine. Waking up at the same time every morning and gently waking them is important.

Sleep Routine Tips for Adults

  1. Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day: Waking up at the same time daily helps regulate your biological clock and improves the quality of your sleep.
  2. Limit Physical Activity Before Bed: Excessive physical activity before bed can make it harder to fall asleep. Prefer calmer activities such as meditation or awareness exercises in the evening.
  3. Reduce Screen Time: Screens can disrupt sleep patterns. Looking at screens before bed can lower melatonin levels due to blue light exposure.
  4. Ensure a Safe and Comfortable Environment: The sleep environment directly affects sleep quality. Adjust the room temperature, minimize night lighting, and make your bed comfortable. You will be amazed at how these small changes in sleep hygiene can significantly improve your sleep quality.

Creating a sleep routine is an important milestone not only for children but for the entire family. A healthy sleep routine contributes to children’s development, making them happier and healthier. While creating a sleep routine, it is important to be patient, make adjustments based on each child’s needs, and remember that the routine will settle over time. By applying the above steps and tips, you can help your baby and child establish healthy sleep habits. However, it is equally important to recognize the significance of sleep routines for adults and to define activities that make transitioning to sleep easier for yourself. You can also benefit from the training and content prepared specifically by Budizzz Experts in the Budizzz App to start your family’s journey to healthy sleep and lifestyle.

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